Sri Bhagavan San Diego call 11/23/09

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Skype call from Bhagavan 11-23-09 9:00 pm

Sri Bhagavan darshan con México 21/11/09 Part 1

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sri Bhagavan darshan con México 21/11/09 part 2

Sri Bhagavan darshan con México 21/11/09 Part - 3

Sri Bhagavan darshan con México 21/11/09 Part 4

Sri Bhagavan darshan with Mexico 21/11 part 5

Second teleconference of Sri Bhagavan with the Russian Oneness Community 11/22/09

Sri AMMABHAGAVAN darshan 22 nov 2009 Moscow

с Русским переводом

QUESTION: Bhagavan, many of us are so concerned about the current economical and political situation in the world - crisis, lots of catastrophes and other destruction. Many of us are so lost and don't know what to expect from the future. So much fear around. And some time ago you were saying that the real crisis even hadn't been started yet. Would you give us some guidance, Bhagavan? What to expect and what to do?

BHAGAVAN: Could we go for the answer, German? So, in 1989 there was an energy shift. Now there’s going to be another shift of energy in 2012. Whenever there is an energy shift, or an energy shift is going to happen, the old values, old thoughts, old civilisation, will start crumbling, will start dying. Because unless there’s a death, the new can not be born. So in 2012, the new is going to take birth; new business forms, new forms of government, new forms of trade, new forms of livelihood. Something very new is going to start. If the new is going to start, the old is going to die.

Now we are caught up in this. We are experiencing that dying of all that we know. Unless that happens, the new can not be born. This dying of the old is what we are experiencing as suffering. Will you translate up to that point?

Now, we are the unfortunate people who are caught up in a situation where the old is dying, but we are also fortunate in that we are going to see the birth of a great, new age. Please translate.

The best way to handle this situation is, you must form small communities of friends and depend on each other and help out each other, depend on each other for solving material problems, depend on each other for solving emotional problems. So only through dependance on each other and a shared relationship, you will be able to handle this crisis. If you weaken on your relationships, either with your families or with your friends, it’s going to be very, very difficult. Therefore, strengthen the bond with your relations, strengthen the bond with your group of friends. Form small groups of friends, meet frequently. You could also give a blessing on those occasions and depend on each other to fight out this crisis. That is the only way you will be able to handle this coming problem. That’s the answer for the first question. You can translate.

Shall we move on to the second question, German?

QUESTION: Bhagavan, what is the role of the bond with the divine in the process. What can we do to strengthen it, the bond with you?

BHAGAVAN: See we have to make use of the Divine to sort out our problems. Like I was telling earlier, we can use solar energy for meeting our energy needs. We can use wind power to meet our energy needs. Similarly, divine energies could be harnessed to set right our financial problems, our relationship problems, our health problems and whatever other problems we have got to face. So we are trying to make use of divine energies for solving our problems. In earlier times, people were doing this. But down the years we have lost touch with the Divine and this 2012 is all about putting us back in touch with the Divine. For the Divine to respond to you, you must have a bond with the Divine, whether you look at it as Christ or Buddha or Allah or as some cosmic energy or universal energy.

You have to have a bond with it. If you do not have a bond with it, the Divine may not respond. That is why the bond is important.

For the second part of your question, where you are asking about a bond with me, it’s important that you have a good bond with your parents. If you have a good bond with your parents, you will naturally have a very good bond with me. In the same way, even with the Divine, you’ll have a very good bond if your bond with your parents is very strong. That’s why the bond is very important, then you can harness divine energies for sorting out your problems. That’s the answer for the second question. You may translate.

Shall we move on to the third question, German?

QUESTION: Bhagavan we’ve been mastering the art of experiencing the suffering to the extent when it is converted to joy, but in our daily lives it happens so rarely. Why is it? Due to the lack of concentration and energy or a weak bond with the Divine? What should we do to master this art?

BHAGAVAN: Normally, to master any of these arts you have to practice continously without a break for 21 days. If you do that for 21 days without a break, it becomes very natural to you. That is the way you start living. And how you must test it out is, suppose in the morning you’re brushing your teeth, you must be fully aware of the brush moving against your teeth and the gums. It should not be a mechanical form of brushing, which you normally do. You must be intensely aware of the brush brushing your teeth and gums. Every moment you should experience it.

Suppose you’re having a bath, it should not be done mechanically. You must feel the water flowing on the body, the sensations and what all is happening. Similarly, if you are eating, you should be completely experiencing the eating, how the food is going through your mouth, how you’re biting it. You must only be experiencing that. This also if you practice along side for 21 days, it will become very, very natural Most of our things are done habitually. We must break the habit. Like reading the morning newspaper or going for a morning walk, whatever you do in the morning or any time of the day, most of them has become a habit. We must break the habit and we must be intensely aware of what is going on and experience it.

If this also is done for 21 days, the normal things of life, not necessarily experiencing suffering, but the normal things of life, you will find there’s a complete shift in awareness. You’ll start living, not existing. Just try it out for 21 days, it will become very natural to you. You can translate now. If you have any difficulty, you can ask me in the middle, I will help you out.

Shall we move on to the next question, German?

QUESTION: How can we learn to do it consciously for 21 days?

BHAGAVAN: For example, take this simple thing of brushing the teeth. As you start brushing you would find that your thoughts have moved out somewhere, that you’re not focused on the brushing, it is thinking about what happened yesterday or what’s going to happen tomorrow. So then what will happen is you’ll again come back to the act of brushing, again you’ll miss out, again you have to check it out. So this way, every now and then the mind will move out. It will not stay in awareness. You must discover that you’re losing awareness. If you discover you’re losing awareness, you’ll automatically come back to awareness.

Initially it will be a struggle. From first day to second day it will improve, second day to third day it will improve. If you can maintain this without a break, of course there should be no break for 21 days, you’ll discover very naturally you’ll be able to maintain awareness. If you can maintain awareness about brushing your teeth, then you can maintain awareness about having a bath or washing your face. Then you’ll be able to maintain awareness about your eating. And slowly you’ll find it becomes an awareness of what’s going on inside your mind. All that is automatic. You can start with any simple thing you want. I mentioned brushing your teeth, it can be walking, it can be waiting, it can be eating. It can be anything which has become a habit to you. If you break the habit, you’ll move into awareness. Initially it will be a little difficult, but thereafter it will become almost like child’s play. It’s difficult only in the beginning, but you must continue to be at it. That’s the answer.

You could start trying it from tomorrow itself. I will help you out.

So German, shall we move on to the next question?

QUESTION: Bhagavan, when the deeksha phenomenon just began to spread many of us used to have very strong and vivid experiences while giving or receiving deeksha, is it going to be like that again? Or perhaps it has no importance for our process?

BHAGAVAN: Right now, it has no importance for our process. Because we are now going to focus on awareness. But it will come back in a very big way in 2012. In 2012 it will be an explosion. It will come back powerfully many times over in 2012. Right now we are shutting it down because we are focusing more on awareness. In 2012 it will be all over. It’ll come back in a very big way. That’s the answer for that question.

Shall we move to the next question, German?

QUESTION: Bhagavan, in the processes our focus was put to the external success very much, as if it was a must for the internal growth to happen, is it so?

BHAGAVAN: The inner world affects the external world. The external world also affects the inner world. That was deliberately done to clear out certain internal blocks. Unless we clear those internal blocks, we can not progress spiritually. So that was one reason why we were focusing on external success. The other thing also was to sort out some of your problems, to help you with some of your problems, it was done. The other thing was to clear out internal blocks. But that is not really necessary. It was only done for a certain purpose. That’s the answer.

OK German, shall we now go for a meditation?

You could start initially with breath awareness and then move on to your body sensations and to you inner thoughts. Try to go inside yourself and try to see what’s really happening. Let us practice inner integrity. There’s always a real story behind the created story. We must try to get there. So try your best this time. Next time we’ll be able to succeed in a big way. This time we can just try it out. Once you have translated, we can start.

Sri Bhagavan 11-22-2009 Austin, Texas

Bhagavan 11-22-2009 Austin, Texas from Noni Kaufman on Vimeo.

(Broadcast was done immediately following the U.S. national teleconference with Sri Bhagavan)

Q1. If we are not in Golden City spending time with you and Amma and instead are in our own cities, which are the most potent ways for us to receive transmissions from you and Amma, for example listening to Skype calls or teleconferences, giving blessings, connecting through the sri murthi, chanting the Moola Mantra, etc? Are the transmissions going through an acceleration process?

A1. Whether you are in the Golden City or in any other part of the planet, it does not matter at all. it’s exactly the same.

The phenomenon is accelerating now and it will be growing by leaps and bounds in the coming weeks and months and it will be the same all over the world. It does not make any difference whether you are in the Golden City or Texas. Absolutely no difference at all. It’s the same.

Q2. If people who receive blessings or our fellow facilitators are having difficulties with their process, what is the role we should play and how best to support them?

A2. There are two things you must do. The first thing is you listen to them without and condemnation or justification. Just you merely listen to them. That’s all. Then as you listen to them, you might feel that you might have to hold their hand or weep with them or pat them on the head. That’s the first part.

The second part is that as you listen to them, something will be happening to you. If there’s true listening, non-judgmental listening, something will happen to you. There could be a change in emotion, there could be a change in perception, there could be a fresh insight. So whatever happens to you, you must tell this to the other person. You must share this with the other person saying “As you have been speaking and I have been listening this is what has happened to me.” If you do that, something very strange will happen. The person will immediately come out of his or her problem. This can be practiced quite easily and then you can see it works wonders.

Q3. Is there any new or more current information you want to share with us about how we prepare for giving each blessing or intent we should be holding?

A3. I shall answer this question at our next meeting because it requires a detailed explanation. I’ll do it next time.

Q4. Can you say more about the 21 day practices. how much of the days to commit? Still live our external lives, but focusing as much as possible first on the physical awareness for 21 days and then on the internal awareness for the next 21 days?

A4. See your brain as an instrument, it takes about 21 days to unlearn what has become a habit. So, our lives have become very habitual that is why we lack awareness. As children we had a lot of awareness, but as we developed habits through conditioning and through training school and through society, we have lost the sense of awareness. So now we have to unlearn those habits for which you need a 21 day practice.

It exactly requires 21 days of uninterrupted practice for the brain to unlearn. So as you keep practicing awareness, physical awareness for half one hour or one hour a day. I believe it should be at least for 49 minutes or units of 7, 7 or it could be 30 minutes and another 15 minutes, but about 49 minutes is required a day for 21 days. And suddenly you’ll find the habits are no more holding you. Instead, you’re intensely aware of what is going on. So it’s ideal to start with the physical world, and physical sensations.

Once that is over, you could do the same thing for the inner world. Again it would require 49 minutes a day for 21 days. Then you will find that when ever awareness is required, it naturally comes to you, But then in 2012, it is likely to become 2 hours, 20 hours, or even 24 hours and it will be your natural state. In case you proceed with all these practices and do what I’ve been telling you to do in the year 2012.

But now, in the meanwhile it would be possible to be in awareness for at least a few hours of day if you do this practice. But you must do it without a break. If you break it, you must start from the beginning. That’s how it works. This is a very age old technique. It is nothing new which I am giving. This is very, very ancient technique which we have tried and practiced and which works very, very effectively.

Q5. How can we present the Oneness Blessing acknowledging the Divine to people who are wary of religious or New Age concepts?

A5. You’ve got to tell them it is their own higher self which is the fact. What we call the divine is not separate from ourself. It’s our own self, the higher self, with which we’ve lost touch. When you finally discover God, you would actually discover that you are God. That is the strangest thing. As you move on the path of oneness, first you discover inner oneness. Then you discover oneness with your family and friends. At the next level, you’ll discover oneness with the animal world. Next you’ll discover oneness with the plant world.

And next you move on to other realms with the physical world like matter. You will realize that you and matter are actually one. A piece of rock. You will discover actually that you are no different than the piece of rock, that you are one and the same. And as you move on, you of course, we move on to God. And let us say you are a Christian, you would come across Christ. Actually it could be consciousness or even the physical Christ. Then, of course Christianity forbids this, but otherwise you can actually realize that you are that Christ himself.

In Hinduism of course we have varieties. That is you will see your God as out there and you are separate and if you proceed further you become that God. Actually you become that God and then, as you proceed further, you go into the formless God also. That’s why we say in Hinduism you are God, but I think that is not permitted in Islam and in . . . (lost Skype connection for a minute)

So, the God we are talking about is nothing but your own higher self because you are actually God, but unfortunately you have this illusion that you are separate from God and that God is somebody you cannot reach out to. It’s actually yourself.

Now what happens as we progress on this path of awareness and the 2012 Deeksha giving, you will come very close to God. And if there are no obstacles in the form of cultural conditioning or religious conditioning, you’ll actually discover that you are that God. As far as we in Oneness are concerned, to us God has become this creation. All that you see in creation is God. He has become this. For example when I am looking at you talking to you, to me you are God. I am God.

The only difference is you are God with a particular problem and you are God that is suffering from the illusion that you are not God. And here I am God and I do not have that illusion. So this God wants to help that God who is suffering from that illusion. That’s all. Then you will discover that you and I are the same. That’s the illusion that I want to tear apart.

So you can tell them that it is their own higher self. I’ll go more into this later. That is the whole beauty of it. The ant that we see, is God has become an ant, that is why we have a term in India that means the beggar God. The beggar whom you see is God has become a beggar. The leper whom you see is God has become a leper. So God is everything. The evolved God, the not-evolved God, the cruel God, the loving God. It’s everything. So that’s why when I’m helping you out, I’m not helping you, I’m helping God. I’m helping myself. And you’ll discover the same thing. So It is one’s own higher self.

I hope from tomorrow morning, you’ve heard the audio by now (audio of US national teleconference precediing this call) you’ll start practicing with your brushing.


Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Love you all, Love you.

THE PLAN given by Sri Bhagavan for coming years

Sunday, November 22, 2009


1. In early 2010, the Oneness Trainers will begin to offer Level 1 courses in their own countries & initiate new Oneness Blessing Givers. They will be free to offer the courses in their own way from their own life experience.

2. In 2011, the Oneness Blessing Givers will themselves be able to initiate new Blessing Givers.

3. In 2012, we will form ourselves into local communities in which Blessing Givers will repeatedly give each other a very special Oneness Blessing (which we will instructed how to do in a very precise way)which will take them into a permanent state of Oneness (such as: Christ Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, Islamic Consciousness, Oneness with humanity and nature, etc. each according to their personal connection to the Presence).

4. In March 2014, Sri Amma & Sri Bhagavan will retire & return to a simple, anonymous, ordinary human life.

Sri Bhagavan's Teleconference with North American Blessing Givers 11/22/09

Teleconference Call with Sri Bhagavan and North American Oneness Facilitators
Sunday, November 22 @ 8:30 AM PST/11:30 AM EST


Sri Bhagavan had agreed to have a special conference call, Sunday, November 22, 2009, at 8:30 AM Pacific / 11:30 AM Eastern with the North American Oneness Facilitators.

The call will started with a greeting and then Bhagavan will be asked three questions on spiritual growth. Because there have already been many Skype calls regarding the current developments with the acharyas and overseas dasas, which have been posted on YouTube with links circulating throughout the world, Bhagavan would now like to have the calls focus on spiritual topics.

Bhagavan will answer them. Then we will meditate for three minutes in Sri Bhagavan’s presence, after which the call will end.

The call was on  Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 8:30 AM Pacific /11:30 AM Eastern time.

Teleconference with Florida Oneness Facilitators 11/21/09

NEW! Audio of Sri Bhagavan's Video Teleconference with Florida Oneness Facilitators 11/21/09

"Sri Bhagavan, we all want to express our deep love and gratitude to you & Amma for your Grace in our lives and on this planet. Thank you for setting right the direction of the Oneness Movement. Many of us have been praying for a long time for the changes that are happening now. We want to offer you our full support and appreciation. AmmaBhagavan Saranam!"

These are our questions:

1. Sri Bhagavan, what could we do at this critical time to best serve the Dharma and to help facilitate the vision of AmmaBhagavan? 

2. Sri Bhagavan, what could we be doing now to help ourselves grow spiritually as quickly as possible, both as individuals & collectively as a community?

3. Sri Bhagavan, many Blessing Givers want to know when we will be able to make arrangements to come to India to be with you & Amma and to meditate with you in the Oneness Temple, do Level 3, & offer levels 1 and 2 in America?  

Thank you for your darshan, Bhagavan. We love you and Amma very much!

Sri Bhagavan on Skype Adrress Sweden on 19th Nov 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

 Click to Listen to Sri Bhagavan

An Update to the Oneness Family from krishnaji on 18th Nov 2009

An Update to the Oneness Family

18 11 2009

Dear Oneness Family,

We have been approached time and again over the last few days to offer clarifications about the current situation that we are faced with in the Oneness Movement. We were deliberately not entertaining these requests as we felt we needed to first approach Sri Bhagavan and clarify things with Him.

In this regard, I am happy to state that I had the opportunity to meet with Sri Bhagavan on the 17th November and discuss elaborately with Him about the decision of all the guides. I also had the opportunity to clearly explain to Him the numerous circumstances that governed their decision.

Sri Bhagavan was happy to know of our position and will arrive at a decision in a week’s time. We wish to inform you of this development to help you feel relaxed and patiently await Sri Bhagavan’s decision.

Thank you for all your support and love and we are very sorry for the confusion that you have been put through.

With love,

Sri Krishnaji.

Teleconference with Sri Bhagavan with Russian oneness community, Moscow, 17th nov 2009

Sri Bhagavan on 17th November 2009 via video conference talks to the European course coordination in Verona, Italy. Transcript of another Skype conference with Sri Bhagavan, 17th November 2009


Sri Bhagavan on 17th November 2009 via video conference talks to the European course coordination in Verona, Italy.

Transcript of another Skype conference with Sri Bhagavan, 17th November 2009, Forest Row, Sussex, UK (part 2/2):

Q: The most important aspect of the Oneness movement is Life is relationship. How should we take it in the light of the current situation going on in Oneness organisation?

B: My way of understanding things is a bit strange. I have transferred the karma of one person into another (which is believed to be possible in India). Once a daughter and a mother came to me and the mother was asking me to transfer the cancer of her daughter to her. I refused initially that I cannot do it, but after much persistence from the mother, I did so. And after few days, the mother died and the daughter was free of cancer and saved. So this is possible.

There is an incident from the past where in Ramana Maharishi was suffering from cancer and a person asked him if it can be transferred to him. At that point, Ramana Maharishi says, Do you think I am carrying my own cancer?

I have set right relationships for 1,000s of people. People who do this kind of healing should make sure that they dont get affected. And probably I made a mistake somewhere there.

So it could be possible that in healing those relationships, I took the karma onto me and so my relationship with my son and the acharyas (who are like my children, they have been there since I started the school) is being affected.

They (all the acharyas and dasas) came to me on 4th of November and said that they were leaving. They said we are leaving but they didn't have the heart to say why. Later they said it was very hinduish... But I was the one who said take away the fire ceremony for example. I belong to all faiths, I am aging, so please allow my followers to interact with me, and they said if the people come to India it will be seen as a cult. But if I say they MUST come to India, then it will be a cult...

Q: Can westerners attend the courses in India? Can we come to meet you?

B: I was of the opinion that the westerners should attend the course in India if they want. I was the one who asked to remove homas and rituals from the courses for the west if they are not comfortable and if any westerner wants to attend the ritual they can always go to another campus where its being performed. I also didnt want the different levels of courses to be there. My childhood friend Paramacharya keeps on telling me to remove all the courses and interact with people directly so as to speed up the spiritual process in them and bring about a shift in their consciousness. But going forward, I will be speaking to people personally and giving deeksha and that will be equivalent to Level 3 if you like. Just half an hour of chat with me will be equivalent to 100 courses. And thats what I would be doing. I will meet all of you personally from now on and I am waiting to meet you all. Somehow it was not allowed to be so for these many years.

And we can have as different courses as you want like one for Christians, Muslims or Hindu. You can even ask for a personal course to suit your need if you want. If you are a Christian we can only do a course from the Bible.

This work is all about freedom.

Q: We don't hear about meditating in the temple by dasas and thousands of devotees anymore?

B: This was the reason why the temple was built to make 2012 possible. Right now we are not happy with the quality of food for westerners so best to wait until March 2010, but if you are OK with it you can come now. After that people can openly come to the Oneness temple whenever they want and meditate. What else is the temple for? The temple is made with only that vision and mission. I will personally meditate with people there. We are waiting for you, we want you to come and meditate there.

Q: How can we relate to the acharyas now?

B: You can continue relating to them as a friend and continue loving and respecting them. I am only saying that they are no longer monks and no longer in the spiritual order. So you will have to relate to them using their original names. The names Samadarshini, Anandagiri and Vimalakirthi are the names given by me to them when they joined the spiritual order. When you join a spiritual order, you take a vow and abide to that. Much like an employee who abides by the rules of an organization when he is working there.

Latest Statement Of Current Activity Addressed by Sri Bhagavan about the Oneness

Monday, November 16, 2009

This is Latest Message from  Sri Bhagavan ....

False rumors circulating about Oneness

Friday, November 13, 2009

Dear Members,

This message was sent before Nov 14th 2009, not true...

Please see the latest message from Sri Bhagavan

It has come to our attention that there are false rumors circulating about Oneness on Facebook and various social sites. These rumors are true. So that you are able to clearly address this should it come to your attention,

we are  forwarding you the letter from Sri Krishnaji below.

India, November 12th 2009
Dear Friends,

We wish to inform you that many developments that are currently underway in the Oneness University, India are being misinterpreted by some, thus creating a furor in the Oneness Family in India and worldwide. This statement is intended to provide you the clarity as well as the assurance that all of these are only progressive steps towards greater stability and growth.

It has come to my notice that there are some rumors being circulated about the 3 senior guides (Anandagiriji, Samadarshiniji, and Vimalakeerthiji) & a group of close to 25 guides leaving the Oneness Movement. This is not true.

I wish to personally assure all my friends here that the three senior guides and other guides are very much part of the Oneness Movement and are closely working with me towards bringing the Oneness teachings and programs world over. They have not violated any disciplinary codes and all allegations of any misdemeanor on their part are totally untrue.

They are very clear about their choices to work towards creating better human beings and a better world and have no intentions whatsoever of tarnishing the image of the movement or of its founders.
On our part, we wish to only continue working towards this wonderful vision of Oneness originally envisioned by Sri Amma-Bhagavan and we look forward to being and working with all of you.
I personally invite you to cast aside your fears and concerns and request that we come together to make a difference to our lives as well to those of our loved ones.
Thanking you,

Sri Krishnaji

Oneness North America November 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

As we move deeper into the fall season, we reflect upon all that we have harvested and received over the previous weeks and months. No matter what challenges we face, we are cultivating the tools and inner awareness to be fully with what is there, and find ourselves in gratitude for the preciousness of this life as it is. Out of this heartfelt sense of thanks, we are called to give something back, to serve that which is greater than any one of us as separate individuals. Many of the great wisdom traditions tell us that the highest of spiritual states is that of service, or seva. When we give to others that which has been given to us, we become expressions of the divine in action.

Each one of us has been blessed with a unique way to contribute to the vision of Oneness. When we are willing to take a risk, to move outside our comfort zone, we find ourselves supported in the most miraculous ways. We have so many grandiose ideas of what it means to serve and are often unsure of where to start. In truth, all that is required is that we turn toward another for a moment, open our hearts, and share the gifts we have been given.

We have each harvested so much this year through involvement with our Oneness family--sharing the Blessing with our communities and attending courses and seminars together. Now, in this season of Thanksgiving, we reach out beyond ourselves and allow all that we have received to flow through us and out into the world.

Oneness North America November 2009

Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan Sahasranama Homa


Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan Sahasranama Homa

Every great being/avatar has been the epicentre of instances of grace in the form of revelation, miracles, transformation or mystical experiences. Sri Amma Bhagavan are known for the astounding miracles and the varied divine phenomena that happen around them, but are unique in the annals of history for their power to enable another to transfer the state of oneness/ awakening.

Sri Amma and Bhagavan are one single avataric consciousness in two bodies. They represent stillness and movement, prakruti- the divine feminine and Purusha, the divine masculine. Invoking their divine presence would act as benedictions, awakening one to higher dimensions of existence. Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan Sahasranama Homa would awaken one to the infinite power, majesty and wisdom that Sri Amma Bhagavan are.

One of the foremost and the most effective ritual right from the times of the Vedic Seers is the performance of the ‘Homa’ or the fire ritual. Based on a few amazing principles of the universe, the fire rituals are a tremendous help in keeping away the negative energies as well as drawing in auspicious energies. These powerful and elaborate rituals invoke the divine; affect the mind, body and spirit of the participant. The fire in the homa would serve as a medium to carry prayers to the divine. The chanting of mantras would generate divine vibrations that would help to realise prayers into reality. Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan Sahasranama homa which is being performed for the first time would stand a testimony to the phenomenon that Sri Amma Bhagavan are.

Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan Sahasranama Homa bestows the participants with 21 Benefits that cover every aspect of their material and spiritual life:

• Love and strengthening family bond/ improved family relationships.
• Wealth and prosperity
• Successful trade /business
• Fulfilment of desires
• Name and fame and prominence in life
• To achieve planned objectives without obstacles
• To be liberated from one’s fears and become courageous
• Health and longevity
• Increased concentration and memory power and awaken to latent talents
• Auspicious life
• Harmony in marital relationship and to be blessed with children
• Progeny
• To be blessed with auspicious samskaras
• Prayers to align the 9 planetary positions to one’s own energies to materialise one’s desires.
• To be blessed with sat karma
• Spiritual growth and transformation
• Ancestral blessings
• To appease the various gods to receive their blessings
• Sri Amma Bhagavan divine protection and shield
• Ishta devata darshan and loka kalyan
• To be blessed to move into an evolved state of consciousness to contribute to humanity’s liberation.

We invite you and your family to participate in this auspicious homa to receive the bountiful blessings of Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan

Special features of the Homa:

• You would be provided with a special Homa kund to perform the homa and take the sankalpa with your family of 4 members
• Specially blessed Srimurthy of Sri Amma Bhagavan
• Special blessings and deeksha for the entire family
• Homa Prasadam
• Special Prayer with ANCIENT RITUAL to realize your boons

NOTE: Please register your names with details as follows

Date: 14-11-2009
Day: Saturday
Time: Early morn 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. (You can also arrive the previous day after 6 p.m.)
Venue: OC 7 (Anadaloka 2)

For further details, contact: 09000991083 or email at




Month Date State Language

Level 1
Level 2

November 2nd – 6th

Andhra Pradesh

Telugu, Oriya

9th – 13th

Tamil Nadu & English
Tamil, English

16th – 20th
North India

Hindi, Telugu

23rd – 27th
Tamil Nadu

Kannada, Tamil

December 30th – 4th Orissa Oriya

For registration contact no. +91 9000991042 & +91 9000990895 or mail at

Month Date State Language
November 7th & 8th Tamil Nadu, Orissa Tamil, Oriya
14th & 15th Karnataka Kannada
21st & 22nd Andhra Pradesh Telugu
28th & 29th North India Hindi

For registration contact no. +91 9000991042 & +91 9000990895 or mail at

Month Date State Language

Level 1
Level 2

11th – 15th
Andhra Pradesh

For registration contact no. +91 9000991042 & +91 9000990895 or mail at


World Oneness Centre
Oneness City 2 (GC 2),
Chilamattur Post,
Varadaiahpalem Mandalam,
Chittoor District,
Andhra Pradesh – 517541.

You can also make online registration at if you face any technical problem during online registration contact: 09962356566, 04443409222.


Month Date State Language
2nd – 7th
Tamil Nadu & Karnataka
Tamil, Kannada

9th – 14th
Andhra Pradesh & North India
Telugu, Hindi

16th – 21st
Tamil Nadu

23rd – 28th
Andhra Pradesh & North India
Telugu, Hindi

30th – 5th

For registration contact no. +91 9000991042 or mail at

You can also make online registration at if you face any technical problem during online registration contact: 09962356566, 04443409222.


Vaideeshwara Amma Bhagavan Alayam,
Andersonpet (via thirumazhisai),
Near Poonamallee),
Chennai – 602107.

Oneness Office.